Archive for 24

Saying goodbye to ’24’

Posted in 24 with tags , , , , , , , , on June 1, 2010 by Nick Caruso

Bidding adieu to 24 is harder for me than saying sayonara to Lost. For all of 24’s faults, the show has been good to us loyal fans over the years.

The final two hours of Day 8 gave viewers everything 24 fans could have wanted – a rouge Agent Bauer, tons of action, a devious governmental conspiracy, and plenty of Chloe face time. Jack crossed lines from which he’ll never be able to return. He killed Russian government agents, he kidnapped a former U.S. president (the slimey Logan, expertly portrayed by Gregory Itzin), and he almost sniped the Russian president! Hey now, Jack!

Even though Bauer said his final goodbyes to his friend and colleague Chloe O’Brien, we’re still seeing him again on the big screen (This interview with Executive Producer Howard Gordon shines some more light on the upcoming film). Perhaps this was why last week’s finale felt more like a season finisher than a series one. Was it a great two hours of television? Absolutely. Was it as epic as a series finale should have been? Probably not.

24 will be missed. It was a show that broke all the boundaries of the conventional hour-long action drama. It took chances even when people thought it was a format doomed to fail. It’s originality and performance by Kiefer Sutherland were not only exemplary, but also unprecedented.

See you at the movies, Jack.


Spoilerific: Last night’s ’24’

Posted in 24 with tags , , , , , on April 13, 2010 by Nick Caruso

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya…

Renee Walker was an FBI special agent from the Washington Field Office. She was involved in investigating the technology thefts prior to Day 7 and was an integral agent in bringing down the threats that arose on that day.  She was later released from the FBI, despite her previous achievements with the Bureau. It was revealed that she had nearly killed a witness during interrogation and had suffered a mental breakdown afterwards. She had attempted to commit suicide by slitting her wrists. She had later started working for a security firm, but as she revealed, it was unsuccessful. Renee served 16 months undercover with Russian arms dealers led by Vladimir Laitanan six years prior to Day 8. During this time, she used the alias “Renee Zadan” and endured a very abusive relationship with Vlad to maintain her cover. She was called in to help in CTU New York with regards to her past undercover with the Russian crime syndicate, Red Square, but some felt she was not up to the task. She was shot at Jack’s apartment by a sniper working for Red Square and died in the hospital minutes later.

Renee left this mortal coil at approximately 8:58 a.m., Bauer-time, proving that anyone who gets close to Jack is as good as dead.

This is the second silent countdown in a row after President Hassan was murdered just last week.

Rest in peace, Renee. We’ll miss you.

24 Season 8: Not Jack’s best day, nor his worst

Posted in 24, What's on the telly? with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 24, 2010 by Nick Caruso

We’re more than 1/3 through Day 8 (that’s “season” for you 24 neophytes), and I must say: I’m pleased. I’m not totally enthralled, but I’m in it to win it.

Where do we currently stand?

Jack/Renee: Renee was under cover with former contact Vlad, trying to figure out where the new-threat-uranium-rods were. With his contacts, they were able to eventually track them down, that is, until the mentally disturbed Renee stabbed Vlad in the eye and body approximately 15 times. I’m loving this new, disturbed Renee – she’s a powerful chica, and a whole lot edgier now than last season! (Emmy nod for Annie Wersching! Come on, people!). Jack is now trying to prevent CTU and the government for blaming Renee for the failed mission, while also trying to track down President Hassad’s brother, Farhad.

President Taylor/Hassad/Hassad’s brother: In the midst of signing a peace treaty, President Hassad’s brother Farhad is running around with uranium rods! Come on man! What happened to peace in the Middle East!? This story line is only so-so for me – and we clearly need more Cherry Jones in this season! Her portrayal of President Allison Taylor won an EMMY last year! Let the woman speak some lines! Previews for next week show Taylor threatening an attack if New York City gets uranium-rod-ed, so hopefully this means more storylines for her. (Where’s her husband! Her daughter? Will we see them? I hope so!)

Chloe: Now working in the “new” CTU, Chloe often gets the backseat. Shafted continuously, even though she knows what’s going on, her new co-workers don’t seem to like her much. Day 8 definitely needs some more Chloe-isms! That said – I’d love to see Mary Lynn Rajskub return to her comedy roots…eventually.

Dana/Jenny/Cole: Hey everybody! Look at these stars! Isn’t she from that show with the Cylons? And Mr. Gellar is there too! Producers really should’ve given these “names” a better storyline. Though I must say, it’s been picking up a bit, but it’s still clearly the C-story of Season 8. Hope this gets wrapped up rather quickly. Lame.

All things said – Day 8 is turning out to be pretty solid, though its clearly not reminiscent enough of 24 heydey (Seasons 1-5 if you ask this fan). It feels lacking in terms of familiar faces (I miss Tony…and don’t even get me started on Mandy! Bring back Mia Kirshner immediately!)  Since a movie is now being written for the big screen, this does leave producers with some opportunity to bring back some favorites.

Personally, I think 24 has run its course on the small screen. It’s just not that exciting anymore, even though the quality does remain high.  That doesn’t necessarily mean we should say goodbye to the series all together. I’m hoping to see Jack in the movies, where I’ll have popcorn in hand along with a few smuggled in brews.

This is long. Kudos if you stayed with me. What do you think – Should Jack say goodbye to TV and hello to the big leagues? Season 8 doin’ it for ya?

Lost vs. the State of the Union: LOST WINS

Posted in What's NOT on the telly?, What's on the telly? with tags , , , , on January 12, 2010 by Nick Caruso

Internet freak shows Lost fans can finally stop getting their panties in a bunch: The State of the Union will not be taking place on February 2nd, the night of Lost’s sixth and final season premiere.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs confirmed this to ABC, saying: “I don’t foresee a scenario in which millions of people that hope to finally get some conclusion in “Lost” are preempted by the president.”

So there you have it Losties. Your premiere will be uninterrupted. Now, please start (and continue) shutting the fuck up, kthx.    😉

It’s no secret that I’m a former Lost fan turned sour. Though I will be watching and blogging about the final season, I can’t wait for it to end…mostly so I can say ‘I told you so.’

Oh, and also – I’m more excited about the return of this guy!

’24’ premieres this Sunday (the 17th) from 8-10pm on Fox, and continues Monday (the 18th), same time and place.

‘Lost’ premieres February 2nd on ABC…buuut you already knew that.

Me want.

Posted in Me want. with tags , , on July 1, 2009 by Nick Caruso


Props to Ern for the pic!

’24’ heads to NYC for Day 8

Posted in 24 with tags , , , , on April 16, 2009 by Nick Caruso


Next year’s ’24’ is taking place in NYC! With the success of Season 7, the changing locations seem to be working out for everyone. Most of the show’s episodes will still be filmed in California with NYC location footage mixed in for effect.

According to EW’s Michael Ausiello, CTU will be back under new leadership and Slumdog’s game show host Anil Kapoor joins the cast as Arman Hashemi, “a Middle Eastern leader on a peacemaking mission in the U.S.”

Even more news from Ausiello:

Question: Will Annie Wersching be back next season on 24? I hope so. The Jack-Renee dynamic is one of my favorite things about this season. –Josh
Not only is she coming back next season, but exec producer Howard Gordon tells me that “some part of her past will be necessary in the context of the next crisis.” Gordon also confirms that Cherry Jones’ President Taylor will return for the Big Apple-set Day 8. “Cherry truly defined this character and fashioned our first truly aspirational President since David Palmer,” he says. “She brought an emotional weight and intelligence that exceeded even our expectations.”

***Spoiler from last night’s “24”***

Posted in 24 with tags , , , , on March 9, 2009 by Nick Caruso

You’ve been warned!



R.I.P. Bill Buchanan.

Bill Buchanan was the former Special Agent in Charge of CTU Los Angeles. Before taking command of the LA CTU, he was a Regional Division Director at CTU. He was initially sent to CTU Los Angeles by Division Command to oversee the exchange of Jack Bauer for Behrooz Araz in Day 4. When Michelle Dessler resigned as Director of CTU at the end of Day 4, Buchanan took permanent command of CTU. He was forced to step down in Day 6. During Day 7, he was working covertly with Chloe O’Brian and Tony Almeida to uncover a conspiracy within the United States government to aid African dictator General Benjamin Juma. During Juma’s attack on the White House, Bill sacrificed himself by creating an explosion that destroyed most of the attack force and allowed the FBI to retake the White House and save President Allison Taylor.

Rest in peace, Bill buddy. You served CTU, your country, and Madam President well. You were a good friend and ally to Jack, and therefore, was a good friend and ally to us – your faithful viewers. WE WILL MISS YOU. Although you are no longer with us, you will always remain in our hearts. May you join Michelle, David Palmer, Edgar, and many others in that big “24” heaven in the sky.

If anyone would like to say any kind words about Mr. Buchanan, please feel free to do so in the comments section. Thank you.

A fellow fan calls out some Bauer bullshit

Posted in 24 with tags , , , , , , , , on March 3, 2009 by Nick Caruso

I received this email from a disgruntled friend/fellow “24” fan re: last night’s 2 hour event. Note: He is a die-hard fan who never has anything bad to say about Jack Bauer or “24”.  Enjoy:


“Dear friends of 24, I have never been more disappointed with a 2 hour event. Nick, sorry I’m not texting you back but there arent enough characters in a text to get this across.
Of all the things that 24 has you believe, all the things that we know would never happen, but just accept cuz its Bauer, this is the worst. 12-15 armed men break into the white house and take the President hostage. CMON!
First of all is the White House within 100 feet of water? Cuz thats what it seemed like. I honestly dont know, I dont think it is, but could be wrong. Second of all how bout that wall they broke thru, made of patchy bricks, Im sure that exists. If there is a sewer thing that lead to this brick wall, Im sure its backed up by multiple armed people.
Next when they made it into that heavily secured room, HOW DID THEY 5 SECONDS LATER MAKE IT TO THE FLOOR OF THE WHITE HOUSE!?!!??! once again, no gaurds? Im sure they could have been killed off camera, so ill let it go.
Where was the army, or national gaurd, you know they guys you ALWAYS see with heavy machine guns at the white house? Now its just SS with handguns (Editor’s Note:  HAHAHAHAHA).
Now onto the text I sent you, Im sure, 100% positive that the second DC becomes the target of a terrorist attack, that the president is moved to the underground bunker. I know these guys came from underground, but Im guessing all the heavy armed guards were probably down at the bunker when 15 guys took over the white house.  INSANE! FOR 30 MINUTES THEY KNEW IT WAS DC AND DID NOTHING WITH THE PRESIDENT, NOTHING!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Back to the water way, if that exists, how many coast gaurd ships are patroling it?  did they not see the large boat with bright lights and investigate?
I know im kinda knitpicking now, but this is worse than believing there is a magic potion that keeps 24 characters alive, I can believe that (prbly cuz I have a special place in my heart for Tony). I could believe Jack could be high on heroin one hour and capping bad guys the next. But break into the white house? get off of it. (Editor’s Note Again:  BAAAAHAHAHAHA).
I honestly feel like they insulted our intelligence.  Too much BS, not enough Tony.
I do see the pres. daughter being killed and Jack reaching out to Kim. I do like the fact that now there is another storyline with this shipment, which means the white house thing will end soon, which is good.
This was well on its way to being one of the best seasons yet….now, its pushing season 6, simply because its the most unbelieveable thing Ive ever seen….whats next Jack takes on martians and stops them from destroying the sun?
We just wasted two hours of our lives”
How. Hysterical. Thanks, Gordy, for the insight and comments!
Does anyone else agree? Did you have a hard time enjoying the last 2 hours of Bauer?
An official recap/review to follow…

’24’: The following took place between 4pm and 5pm

Posted in 24 with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 18, 2009 by Nick Caruso


The mole has been exposed! That snakey little weasel Sean was shown talking to the baddies on his work phone! I really was convinced that the mole would be the President’s right hand man Ethan. Then, Curtis’s dad talked me into thinking it was Janis – but alas! We were all WRONG.

So the episode begins with Jack and Renee attending to the shot Mr. Taylor. Taylor gets rushed to the hospital, alive but comatose, while the President rushes to be beside her man. She instructs Buchanan to find her daughter. (They have a DAUGHTER!? whaaaa?) So Prez Taylor chills at the hospital, while Bill goes and makes that happen. “Do you have someone you can trust?” she asks Bill. “I know a guy.” And then BAM:


Glenn Morshower returns as AGENT AARON PIERCE. Fuck. Yes. I cheered when I saw his name in the credits. Yes, I did catch that. Pierce goes and retrieves the Taylors’ daughter who only seems interested in leaving when hearing about her dad’s bullet wound. I hope Pierce sticks around. And I hope they don’t kill him. Ever. Because I LOVE GLENNMORSHOWER. Thank you. Moving on…

Jack and Walker locate the whereabouts of Dubaku’s girlfriend. Or love toy. Or whoever the hell she is. For once, it’s kind of nice to see the stupid, family-gets-in-the-way B-story on the terrorist’s side for once, right? Thank God Janis doesn’t have an annoying step-sister’s cousin who keeps calling her because she needs drug money. Or that Larry Moss’s ex-wife isn’t flipping out because of her Dissociative Identity Disorder. We’ve seen some prettttty bad things on “24”! But hey! It’s Dubaku with the drama this time ’round!

In a classic “24” move – Bauer convinces whats-her-name to go undercover with Dubaku to “leave the country.” Bauer and Walker will then follow her and never be more than a mile away from her at all times. She agrees. Rosa, the sister, whines from her wheelchair. Again.

And here is where the MOLE stikes. As Chloe helps Bauer and Walker track whats-her-name and Dubaku, Sean intercepts the signal and has coppers surround Bauer. Bauer is then put in cuffs for like the 16th time in the series thus far. Dubaku is escaping with his gf, Bauer and Walker are in custody, and Sean grimaces and smirks from his desk. DUN DUN DUNNNN

And oh yeah – Morris came back. No one cared.

Who here thinks Janis is going to get tortured? She asked Sean to borrow his scrambler-ma-jig in order to try to find out what Chloe was A) doing on the premises and B) hacking through. Will Moss think that Ms. Gold is the mole? Will she be tortured? Will Jack whoop some fucking ass next week?


Lastly…WHERE IS TONY ALMEIDA. My prediction: Tony told Jack the CIP devise was destroyed. I think he has it. I think it works. I think he’s going to turn bad and use it.

Thoughts? Comments? Grudges? Leave ’em..

’24’ – The following took place between 3pm and 4pm

Posted in 24 with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on February 11, 2009 by Nick Caruso


Another slam-tastic episode! (Any haters out there still complaining about “24”: Sit down.)  Jack, Bill, Walker and Matobo finally got the chance to speak with President Taylor regarding the situation and the CIP device. When all was said and done, Taylor asked Jack how she knows she could trust him. His response was one of the most brilliant lines of dialogue this season, thus far:

“With all due respect Madam President: ask around.”  Rock.

So President Taylor is pickin’ up what Bauer is puttin’ down. And now we finally have Jack paired up with the new prez to start doing some good! Until one phone call worsens the president’s entire day: Dubaku has kidnapped the First Gentleman. Devastating.

Taylor stays strong. She asks herself: “How can I ask the American people to make sacrifices that I’m not willing to make myself? I can’t give in. I can’t.” Best president since Palmer? I think soooo….

Bauer promises to help out Madam President, but only has til 4pm to find him before Dubaku kills him (this season moves so fast!). In order to get the job done, Renee has to call Larry Moss and bring him in. She trusts him and can help him with uber-FBI technology to track down any links between Dubaku and someone on the inside. They find the name of some henchman guy and go to work: Renee heads to the man’s house to threaten his family, while Jack tracks down the man himself. By threatening the man’s family, Jack gets Dubaku’s whereabouts and him and Walker run off to save the President’s man candy.

How badass was Renee Walker bustin’ in and threatening the family at gunpoint! Awesome. Renee’s Bauer-like tactics are the only reason they eventually found Henry Taylor, and the only reason they were able to act as quickly as they did. Renee is quickly climbing my list of Favorite Characters Ever. Even though her heart was hurting (her eyes showed it), we still know she would’ve done anything in order to get the information they needed. Just the type of partner Bauer needs.

Bauer/Walker shoot up the place where Taylor is being held, kill most of the unimportant baddies – but alas! – Taylor is shot in the chest as one of the henchmen falls dead on the floor. Pan out – split-screen – fade to black – boop – beep.


I doubt that Henry Taylor is dead. If he dies, there’s no one left to expose the controversy and tell the President the information about her dead son. I predict Mr. Taylor will still play an important part in today’s events.

No Chloe and Tony make Nick a dull boy.

This season rocks.

Thanks for reading. GOODNIGHT, CLEVELAND!